Community Pantry & Fridge

We are excited to host a 24-hour self-serve pantry and fridge, managed by Village Food Hub, a nonprofit organization birthed to expand the impact of our church's food ministries! Everyone in the wider community is invited to leave what they can and take what they need. Since its launch in September 2022, the community pantry & fridge has received numerous daily visits from donors and recipients alike, giving away an average of 1,000 pounds of food every week. This is a community resource that is convenient, safe, anonymous, and reflects the best of giving from neighbor to neighbor.
How You Can Help
We're currently accepting the following items (please no expired items). Items in bold are most needed:
- shelf stable and regular milks
- pastas
- rice
- sauces
- soups
- cereal
- eggs
- fresh fruits and vegetables
- "lunchables"
- snacks (crackers, canned fruit, applesauce, pudding, etc.)
- juice & juice boxes
- yogurt
- cheese
- frozen meats
- breakfast items (e.g., waffles)
- formula & baby food
- diapers & wipes
- canned goods (fruit, veggies, soups, chili, etc.)
Financial donations can be made to support the pantry to Village Food Hub via their website or by check made out to Village Food Hub (memo: pantry) at 23 Clark Rd, Andover MA 01810.
Can you donate your time as part of a rotation to help keep the pantry organized and stocked? If so, email Shari McLeod at s.mcleod @
And we need help spreading the word!
We have an active Facebook group for the pantry for those who can help spread the word online.
We are also accepting corporate donations of food or financial support. Many thanks go to Cedar's Foods for a monthly donation of 150 hommus snack-packs!

Big shout out and thank you to Eversource for giving a generous grant in May 2023! Pictured below is Peter Bowman from Eversource with pantry volunteer Glen McLeod.
See this article from the Andover Townsman describing the launch of our pantry.
Funds to build the pantry were generously donated by the Trauma Intervention Program of Merrimack Valley. Construction by Andover Handyman and Sunnybank, LLC.

Food Insecurity in Our Area
Andover's reputation as an affluent town hides the real lived experience of the many people just in our town whose food needs are not secure. See below for up-to-date statistics put together by our sister church, South Church in Andover: